35 events found. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Month List Month This Month 02/01/2025 February 2025 Select date. Calendar of Events S Sun M Mon T Tue W Wed T Thu F Fri S Sat 0 events, 26 0 events, 26 0 events, 27 0 events, 27 0 events, 28 0 events, 28 0 events, 29 0 events, 29 0 events, 30 0 events, 30 0 events, 31 0 events, 31 1 event, 1 1 event, 1 2025-02-01 life line screeening life line screeening February 1 life line screeening 1 event, 2 1 event, 2 2025-02-02 rental booked rental booked February 2 rental booked wedding/Williamson 0 events, 3 0 events, 3 0 events, 4 0 events, 4 0 events, 5 0 events, 5 0 events, 6 0 events, 6 0 events, 7 0 events, 7 0 events, 8 0 events, 8 1 event, 9 1 event, 9 2025-02-09 rental booked rental booked February 9 rental booked bingham 1 event, 10 1 event, 10 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ravines monthly meeting For residents/members only February 10 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ravines monthly meeting For residents/members only 0 events, 11 0 events, 11 0 events, 12 0 events, 12 0 events, 13 0 events, 13 0 events, 14 0 events, 14 0 events, 15 0 events, 15 1 event, 16 1 event, 16 2025-02-16 Rental booked Rental booked February 16 Rental booked Shauna 0 events, 17 0 events, 17 2 events, 18 2 events, 18 8:00 am - 6:30 pm Middleburg-Clay Hill CAC meeting February 18 @ 8:00 am - 6:30 pm Middleburg-Clay Hill CAC meeting 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Advisory Committee- open to public February 18 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Advisory Committee- open to public 0 events, 19 0 events, 19 1 event, 20 1 event, 20 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Middleburg Museum meeting – open to the public February 20 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Middleburg Museum meeting – open to the public 0 events, 21 0 events, 21 1 event, 22 1 event, 22 2025-02-22 rental booked rental booked February 22 rental booked gowens 0 events, 23 0 events, 23 0 events, 24 0 events, 24 0 events, 25 0 events, 25 0 events, 26 0 events, 26 0 events, 27 0 events, 27 0 events, 28 0 events, 28 0 events, 1 0 events, 1 There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. February 1 All day life line screeening February 2 All day rental booked There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. February 9 All day rental booked February 10 February 10 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ravines monthly meeting For residents/members only There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. February 16 All day Rental booked There are no events on this day. February 18 February 18 @ 8:00 am - 6:30 pm Middleburg-Clay Hill CAC meeting February 18 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Advisory Committee- open to public There are no events on this day. February 20 February 20 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Middleburg Museum meeting – open to the public There are no events on this day. February 22 All day rental booked There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. Jan This Month Mar Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ravines monthly meeting For residents/members only February 10 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ravines monthly meeting For residents/members only
8:00 am - 6:30 pm Middleburg-Clay Hill CAC meeting February 18 @ 8:00 am - 6:30 pm Middleburg-Clay Hill CAC meeting
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Advisory Committee- open to public February 18 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Advisory Committee- open to public
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Middleburg Museum meeting – open to the public February 20 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Middleburg Museum meeting – open to the public